Client: Roy Hill Iron Ore Pty Ltd
Location: Roy Hill Mine
Value: $13,800,000
Project Scope: Brownfields supply, fabrication and installation of ultrafine iron recovery circuit structure and equipment. Included a fabrication works package for structural steel, access platforms, process tanks, hoppers and associated piping and pipe racks.
Client: Iluka Resources Ltd
Location: Midwest, Cataby Site
Value: $27,500,000
Project Scope: SMP, E&I. Disassemble, transport, refurbish and reassemble wet concentrator plant and associated equipment. Fabrication works included access platforms, process vessels, hoppers and piping.
Client: Millenium Minerals
Location: Nullagine Gold Mine
Value: $8,750,000
Project Scope: Complete supply, fabrication and installation works package. SMP and electrical and concrete installation of pilot plant upgrade consisting of new plant areas: screening and pumping, UFG mills and cyclone & spirals circuit.
Client: Roy Hill Iron Ore Pty Ltd
Location: Roy HIll Mine
Value: $3,750,000
Project Scope: New chute fabrication, onsite old chute removal, modification and installation to three primary crushing stations.
Client: Northern Star Resources Ltd
Location: Jundee Mine Site
Project Scope:Crushing and screening plant SMPE&I installation.
Client: Perseus Mining, Côte D’Ivoire SA
Location: Sissingue Gold Project – Africa
Value: $800,000
Project Scope: Supply of management, supervision, labour and tooling for the full onsite assembly, installation and testing of the SAG mill and its associated drive line ring gear and lubrication system.
Client: Marine and Civil
Location: Geraldton Midwest Port
Value: $4,000,000
Project Scope: Workshop fabrication, transportation and installation of conveyor gallery structure CV03/04.
Client: RCR Resources Pty Ltd
Location: Roy Hill Mine
Value: $1,750,000
Project Scope: Onsite assembly, installation, testing and commissioning of five iron ore wet scrubber shells (4.88m x 10m), bearings, drive train and associated hydraulic/lubrication piping systems.
Client: Argyle Diamonds Limited
Location: Argyle Diamond Mine
Value: $40,000,000
Project Scope: Civil, structural, mechanical, piping, electrical and instrumentation installation for an underground primary crusher, conveyor and dewatering system.
Client: MCC Mining
Location: Cape Preston
Value: $65,000,000
Project Scope: Project management and SMP installation of conveyors, pump station, flocculent plant and desalination.
Client: Metso
Location: Extension Hill, 100km north of Wubin
Value: $3,500,000
Project Scope: Installation of crushing and screening plant.
Client: Iluka Resources Ltd
Location: Narngulu, 12kms from Geraldton
Value: $750,000
Project Scope: Structural, mechanical and piping package.
Client: FLSmidth Minerals
Location: Boddington
Value: $2,000,000
Project Scope: Technical supervision, labour and equipment for installation of two Traylor 60” x 113” crushers. Supply of surrounding platforms and assembly stands.
Special Achievement: Successful installation of the world’s largest gyratory crushers.
Client: FLS Minerals formally FFE Minerals
Location: FMG Cloudbreak Mine
Value: $2,000,000
Project Scope: Workshop assembly, testing and disassembly of ten 1100HP Raptor cone crusher units for Cloudbreak. Onsite installation of crusher units including lube and hydraulic units, with ongoing site maintenance of crusher units.
Special Achievement: These were the first 1100HP Raptor crushers built in the world.
DIAB Engineering has been a preferred and reliable supplier in Western Australia and for overseas mining projects since 1970. Our people provide a complete range of skills and in-depth experience in construction, operations, maintenance, project management, fabrication and manufacturing.